By Melinda Robinson
At a time when many of us are more stressed than ever, everyone claims to have a miracle cure. And yet, we’re all still antsy! What’s the solution?
If you don’t feel like taking up yoga or mindfulness and aren’t convinced you can kale your way to contentment, check out these three stress-reducing tips. We can’t promise they’re the key to nirvana, but they might take the edge off a tough day.
Budget your time.

No matter how much we get done, sometimes there aren’t enough hours in the day, and the task list seems never-ending.
But sometimes we say “yes” to things without thinking, and in doing so, lose time and energy that could spend on more productively. Consider how much time you waste on things you could have said “no” to, all the while wishing that you had.
We all have to do some tasks that we’d rather not, but try and minimise the time you spend on tasks that are not useful, necessary, or enjoyable – those that are stealing your energy.
Think about other time-wasting factors too. For instance, you may feel that you’ve expended several hours of hard work without crossing anything off the task list. But how much of that time gets wasted on activities such as social media, another major stressor in modern life?
Of course, it’s unrealistic to expect to be able to plan your day down to the minute. But no matter how hectic life gets, try to set aside at least ten minutes in the morning or before bed that are just for you. Whether you spend that downtime talking with a loved one, reading a book, or listening to music, that planned relaxation is a necessary part of your day.
Take up a hobby.

People widely recognised that hobbies are great stress relievers. Not to mention, learning new skills, such as painting, writing, or playing an instrument can give us a great sense of personal achievement.
And while traditional hobbies tend to veer on the creative or sporty side, there are hundreds of unique activities to turn your free time into a stress-free zone.
The adult study is becoming increasingly popular, with flexible options that don’t necessarily have to mean committing to a new qualification. Tutoring agencies such as Teachers To Your Home provide sessions for all ages and have tutors for a wide array of subjects, including foreign languages – the perfect chance to finally learn Italian, just like you promised yourself in your New Year’s Resolution!
Put together a de-stressing kit.

Certain items can be unexpectedly helpful when it comes to reducing stress, and it’s useful to have these on the go!
Scented items such as candles and incense can be helpful, as can certain teas and snacks. Chewing gum can also be a stress reliever, so keep a pack to hand where possible.
These items won’t completely take your stress away, but they can provide some relief, making things feel a little more manageable. We hope these tips help to reduce stress and anxiety in your life!